South Koreans take business mannerism seriously. Everyone over there is smartly dressed going to the office everyday. Even the kind of company car someone drives there shows certain status and they even dictate where the boss shall seat at the back of the car. So a South Korean company CEO should be driven on the latest model of Hyundai Equus (the 2012 model shown below) and be seated at the back right side of the car.

Indeed, first impression is important especially for business function. A classical business mannerism is to wear a smart formal suit at all times. A lot of other details are also given emphasis such as hairstyle, perfume, brand of wrist watch, tie, tie pin, pair of shoes and writing pen. A more modern business mannerism normally in IT industry has also evolved where informal attire are also acceptable. However the classical business mannerism would still be the default in an important business function.
Why are all these important? Human being socially interacts with each other in their activities from the time of Adam and Eve creation. Socia interaction may pose little challenge as compared to communication that has a lot more importance in life. Communication will take place when there are a need to influence, disseminate information and negotiate.
As time progresses, communication becomes a lot more easier but not less complex. Communication becomes a lot more easier with the advent of information technologies when communication can happen regardless of space and time. Internet either email, facebook, twitter or skype: telecommunication either mobile, fix, smart phones or videoconferencing are some examples of modern communication tools that human being currently uses.
With a lot more sophisticated communication tools, complexity of communication remains and will not be possible to be eliminated entirely. As communication is a two-way sending and receiving process, a lot more intangible factors and elements influence the communication activities success. These factors and elements include emotion, feelings, language, social background, past experience, prejudice, physical conditions and many others.
Both the sender and the receiver of communication would either be aware or unaware to some of these factors and elements. It would be a lot easier if they can be aware of the factors and elements to enhance communication effectiveness. However if they are unaware of these factors and elements, they would easily be sucked into them and form certain barriers to effective communication.
There will be several layers of communication results in an interaction: impression, perception and deception. Impression is important to gauge another party in communication and is a very basic defense mechanism for survival and can be used by both the sender and receiver of communication. This happen in a first instant of a meeting such as a smiling face, a frowning face, an imposing posture, a tender or rough mannerism and smart clothing. It will provide a signal to be at ease or alert. However it should not be the main criteria to form during communication.
Progressing into the layer will be perception. Perception is normally forms after several interaction and communication. Attributes such a firm person, a cooperative person, a difficult person are examples of perception. Perception can be true, and likewise false. It is important that perception is tested and validated.
Have you ever had the experience that the flight cabin crew were extremely friendly during the flight and by the time the plane landed and you bumped into one of them at the airport lanes, they would not even smile at you. So deception can only be discovered once the act is not consistent. This is the other layer of communication in an interaction that is deception. Deception is an attempt to potray something that is not the reality. It can be used to get the communication recipient to form a favourable impression and perception of the communication sender.
"Do not judge a book by its cover" and "
do not jump into conclusion" are most famous communication quotes. Continuous testing and validating will help in getting a smooth and efficient communication process with others especially when there is a need to repeat the communication and maintain a harmonious relationship.