I played four double matches and won two of them. The victory was sweeter when I trounced Zaid, my eldest son, and his partner Ibrahim, my brother's son in straight set. Zaid had beaten me last week but I did not provide him any more leniencies this time around. A game is a game :-)
We then played half court basketball. My team of Ammar, Sufian and me won a tough game against Zaid, Safuan and Ibrahim. It was another sweet victory for me against Zaid and his team.
We will be back again next week Saturday 3rd Jan at 9 am for our next tough matches.
the middle one is the sharpshoter because his score the most excellent the right one is the blocker because no one can get trough him the left one is dribbler.my father didn't put the badminton video because someone fart in the game
he he he.. wait until I put the fart video, then we know who farted in the game... he .. he.. he..
yes.it's really funny..kalau sape tonton dan dengar video ni mesti ketawa terbahak2..ha ha ha.... sebab saye yang rakam video ini...
hana... ada problem sikit masa upload video tu, mungkin kalau upload into youtube dulu baru ok tak... let me try
basketball game kedua sape menang?
asal x letak?
hjmalek ni ltak yg mnang je..
basketball game kedua pemain kami dah penat, lagipun dah nak balik. so kira cincai lah lepaskan game... kalau nak this week kita main baliklah...
beside that someone fart there is one man rolling on the court that why he not put his video
ade problem ke atau x nak letak gambar sebab nanti orang tu marah??jangan tipu ya Hj Malek nanti i do something kat Hj Malek..he he he..
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