My two sons; Zaid and Anwar, my daughter Hanaan, my two nephews; Safwan and Sufian joined my wife, my sister (the School Senior Assistant), her husband and me to Setapak High School this morning to play a few games of Badminton. We played in the famous Setapak High School gymnasium (one of the few non-boarding public schools in Malaysia that has a gymnasium). Setapak High School's had a very colourful and long history (you can wiki it here Setapak High School), however the condition of the gymnasium when all of us came in this morning was deplorable. It was nothing like I could remember when I was there 26 years ago. So before we could play, we had to sweep the floor for 30 minutes, but since the dust had settled on the parque flooring for so long, there was not much we could do. Seems to me the gym had not been used for years. Watch this video yourselves.
After plenty of sweeping the floor, we skipped the warm up as we had already warmed up :-) and played for about 3 hours. We will back next week God willing, same day, same time.All of us then had our lunch at Restoran Haslam at Jalan Pahang.
p.s. calling Setapak High School Form 5 Sc 1-1981 (see photo below). Email me if you are reading this posting. We can plan a reunion and find ways to help our former school.

guess which one is me, the right guess wins you a voucher...
syok nye main badminton...minggu depan hana pun nak main jugak..harap2 la hana menang daripade sme orng kat situ...amin..
terima kasih hana... semoga hana berjaya mengalahkan bakal jaguh-jaguh badminton negara :-)
same2 hjmalek..semoge Allah memberkati Encik hjmalek..
Awat kecik sangat gambar tu? Looks like anybody could be you to me.
Who's the senior assistant?
Why hasn't the gymnasium been used for YEARS?
What time next week?
can u click on the photo? ur browser will be able to enlarge it. tell me if this does not work
Puan Salbiah, she is my elder sister.
No one seems to care, my heart bled when I saw how bad the condition it was in.
Sabtu ni 27 Dis, 9 pagi, bring the others too.
Sorry, I couldn't go. Bini dlm pantang...
From: Ganesan Streamyx xxx???@streamyx.com
Subject: Setapak High School
To: amzzah_naseehah@ymail.com
Date: Thursday, 2 April, 2009, 1:01 PM
Hi ,
I was checking out a key word search on Setapak High School....just felt a bit nostalgic and guess what I found your blogspot....Great huh,
The class picture takes me back...I can vaguly remember some of our friends ....Anyway this is Ganesan Krishnan
Do not know wether you recognise me but I sure the hell can't.
Anyway get in touch.....I still keep in touch with Zaid Kuda Shah .
Thanks for the memories
Ganesan (Gani)
We hostelites,used to play basketball in the gym at 2am until the HM, Mr Hermann de Souza told the jaga to stop us playing at this odd hour - that was in 1965.
It was the 1st week of the 3rd term holiday and food was still available and some of us chose to stay back. One 'bright spark' suggested the basketball game.
I left at end of 1966 after LCE to join Royal Military College, Sungei Besi,
My form teacher (3A) was Mr Chin Peng Weng. The Senior Asst was: Mr Cheah Hai San.
Those were the days!
En Baharin
Mungkin En Baharin kenal En Abdul Jalil facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=lf#!/profile.php?id=732764888&ref=sgm
Dia pun sekolah High School era 60an. Kalau sudi jointlah facebook High School, ada lebih 1,000 orang http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=732764888&v=info&ref=sgm#!/group.php?gid=28057944616#wall
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