AMZZAH Naseehah is a virtual motivational and consultancy site for students establishing themselves in education, experienced and inexperienced employees striving to be successful in their career while balancing personal and family life. The intention here is to share our live experience to help one another. (Please feel free to follow and comment on this website. Your ideas are highly appreciated, thank you.)
I have been a Human Resource professional for more than 20 years working in a wide spectrum of areas within Human Resource. I have progressed up the corporate ladder from the very bottom with rapid and multiple promotions, praise to God. My main interests are motivation and child development
If you have any specific queries you would like to post to me, please email to amzzah_naseehah@ymail.com.
Kind regards
Monday, 29 December 2008
New School Term is here again

Sunday, 28 December 2008
2nd Badminton game at Setapak High School 27 Dec 2008

I played four double matches and won two of them. The victory was sweeter when I trounced Zaid, my eldest son, and his partner Ibrahim, my brother's son in straight set. Zaid had beaten me last week but I did not provide him any more leniencies this time around. A game is a game :-)
We then played half court basketball. My team of Ammar, Sufian and me won a tough game against Zaid, Safuan and Ibrahim. It was another sweet victory for me against Zaid and his team.
We will be back again next week Saturday 3rd Jan at 9 am for our next tough matches.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Aqeeqah for 'Imran @ PV5, Platinum Hill Condo, Taman Melati 21 Dec 2008

We had his aqeeqah today and was well attended by relatives and Khadijah's friends. I tasted only a morsel of the lamb, just to join in the celebration as lamb is pantang for me, he he he...

Saturday, 20 December 2008
Badminton game at Setapak High School 20 Dec 2008 (26 years after I had left it)

All of us then had our lunch at Restoran Haslam at Jalan Pahang.
p.s. calling Setapak High School Form 5 Sc 1-1981 (see photo below). Email me if you are reading this posting. We can plan a reunion and find ways to help our former school.

Year End Team Celebration at Chinoz, The Gardens Mall at Mid Valley on 16 Dec 2008

After the main course, we had each team member exchanging their gifts with one another. Before the dessert was served, it was then my turn to give my short speech. In my speech, I thanked the team members for the sacrifice that they had put into their work and to the success it had brought to the team. We then adjourned back to the office just before 2 pm.
A very big thank you to the organising committee for a job well done. All of us had a wonderful time especially during the exchanges of gifts session (video snippets of the exchanges of gifts session is shown below).
Sunday, 14 December 2008
My "extended family" weekend at my PV10 Condo - Dec 13 2008
My PV10 condo unit is still vacant due to the fact that I am a very selective landlord. Several property agents had approached me to rent the condo to students, some are ridiculously silly wanted to put in 15 students into the unit! My dream tenant would be a small local family starting up in KL or expatriates family on an assignment to KL. Click at the following to view my adverts
Yesterday my family organised an extended family dip in the condo swimming pool and had some refreshments at the condo Mamak restaurant. We then prayed Asr and Maghrib in my condo. They were about twenty of us altogether, a big extended family indeed.
Group photo of the children (below), parents were not included.

See below for a view out of my condo bedroom window at 8.15 pm on Saturday Dec 13, 2008
Below, my wife and I at the condo balcony at 7.45 pm on Saturday Dec 13, 2008

Thursday, 4 December 2008
Family holiday at Padang and Bukit Tinggi 25-28 Nov 2008
I let my wife handle all the bookings and I did not get to know the programme until the end. And for the first time I let my wife and two teenage sons to pack the bags. My only contribution was to tell them to bring one medium and one small size bags and two bag packs. Somehow they were
We had a very early start, waking up at 3 am and driving to my wife's school by 4 am. We parked our car at the school and took a chartered bus to LCCT for an 8.30 am Air Asia flight to Padang. We reached LCCT at about 5.30 am and finished our check in at 6 am. We performed our Fajr prayer thereafter and had our breakfast. By 7 am, we went through the immigration checkpoint and into the departure hall. We were called in to board at about 8 am.
After lunch we stopped at two shops selling embroidered shirts, scarves and telekungs (long
We checked into Campago Hotel, a hotel at the outskirt of Bukit Tinggi at about 4 pm and was told that we will go out again at 5.30 pm for some more shopping and dinner. The shopping is for more of the same things i.e. embroidered shirts, scarves and telekungs but somehow the ladies were never tired of spending their money. We went to the Kampung Pandai Sikek, the famous village known for it handicrafts. It was almost 9 pm that we had our dinner as the shopping took longer than expected as there were more than one shops that the ladies had spent their time.
By the time we reached the Campago Hotel, there were already more than ten makeshifts stalls at the hotel compound (see photo on the right). The stalls were selling again more of the same things i.e. embroidered shirts, scarves and telekungs. And again the ladies will still go over, bargain and spend their money.
We went out early the next morning at 8 am after breakfast at the hotel. But before that, the ladies were again at the makeshift stalls shopping. Our first program of the day was to Embun Pagi to look from about 1,000 ft level the famous
The next morning, I took time with my sons taking panoramic pictures around the hotel before

We had lunch at a beautiful restaurant that is built on a fishpond (see photo on the left). As we had lunch we could watch the fishes swimming, the paddy fields, the buffaloes and the leaves of the coconut tree swaying blown by the wind. It was a breath taking experience, something I had missed from the time I was five years old while I was visiting my grandmother's paddy fields at Simpang Tiga, Gombak, Selangor.
We reached Padang at about 5 pm and checked into our rooms. We went out for dinner at 7 pm and adjourned early at 9 pm as we had to be up and early the next morning for the 8.30 am flight to KL.

Monday, 24 November 2008
Melbourne business and leisure trip 18-21 November
My Enrich points were enough for me to redeem return Business Class tickets for my wife. However getting the Business Class Enrich seats were a lot more difficult than I had imagined. I secured a seat for the flight from KLIA to Melbourne but I had to wait until the last day of the ticket purchase dateline to secure the return flight's seat. I realised that Malaysia Airlines were not providing me the seats until I booked a seat and told them that I would pay for it myself. When my wife and I took the flight from Melbourne to KLIA last Friday 21 November, the business class seats were not fully occupied.
My wife however enjoyed her visits as she was chaperoned for two days from Wednesday touring around Melbourne by a guide. She visited the Melbourne Central Business District, the famous Melbourne zoo and Queen Victoria Market.
We finally had our time together on Thursday evening at Phillip Island Penguin Parade. The trip from Melbourne CBD took us 90 minutes of driving. Both of us enjoyed the scenic journey of farm animals along the way. We saw cows, horses and sheep grazing on acres of farm fields.
Our planned to venture into Melbourne on Friday morning was cancelled, as I had to finalise my ranking notes to be sent to KL. We took the 3.40 pm flight and arrived in KL at 8.45 pm. We came back with a lot of memories, t-shirts, key chains, chocolates and several aboriginal trinkets. Oh by the way, the meals on the way back were really something that Malaysia Airlines need to improve; the fried rice was oily, the roast chicken and the chicken pie were salty. As always from my experience, the meals out of KL are a lot tastier.
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Invitation as a trainer for a "Negotiating Skill Workshop"
Ruj Kami:
PAS/K098/26/01/08 (004) 30 Oktober 2008/30 Syawal 1429H
Tetuan amzzah naseehah
Up : En Abd Malek Md Nor
Assalamualaikum wrt wbt
Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, dengan segala hormatnya pihak kami ingin memohon jasa baik pihak tuan menjadi tenaga pengajar dalam program Bengkel Kemahiran Berunding seperti butiran dibawah
Tarikh 9 November 2008 (Ahad)
Masa 9.30 pagi – 2.00 petang
Tempat Pejabat BPPNS Pusat Perniagaan World Wide, Shah Alam
Besarlah harapan kami, AKP DPPNS agar pihak tuan dapat memenuhi jemputan ini dan pertimbangan daripada pihak tuan kami dahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih.
“ Merakyat Perjuangan” – “Selamatkan Demokrasi, Tegakkan Keadilan”
Yang menjalankan amanah,
Setiausaha AKP DPPNS
s.k.: 1. Fail Setiausaha DPPNS
2. Pengerusi AKP DPPNS
Monday, 27 October 2008
Resignation and Attrition
I quickly recalled one of my senior Service Advisors who was on an extended maternity leave. She agreed to return and took over the job and there was a 5 days hand-over between her and my previous Team Lead. Although this is not deemed to be adequate hand-over period, however I am confident that my new Team Lead would be able to handle and face the challenge.
During a briefing that I had with my new Team Lead, I emphasised the necessity of teamwork, communication and respect from her team. These were the areas that were not adequately provided by the previous Team Lead. The previous Team Lead was strong operationally, however she lacks the depth of leadership, accountability and teamwork skills that are really basic necessity in guiding the team to meet its objective.
I had a one-on-one session with my previous Team Lead two days before she left. As part of the one-on-one session, she provided me with a couple of motivational and formative feedback on me (refer to my earlier posting on types of feedback dated 24 August 2008 Self awareness a key to self improvement and success) . I then provided her with my motivational and formative feedback that covered the areas that I had mentioned above i.e. her motivational was her operational strength and her formative was the requirement for her to build on her leadership, accountability and teamwork skills. This was a unique process that I had never done before and the risk was real, it can turn messy if the resignation was a negative experience on her. Fortunately, it was not as bad as some people would have thought and the session went well.
A meeting at Westin Langkawi 24-25 Oct 2008

This is the first time that I had the opportunity to attend this meeting. However, I found that the setting of the meeting is like any other consulting conferences, it has several presentation topics by ORC and invited speakers from the member companies. The topics on Middle East's Workforce Management Trends/Issues had my interest but the gist of the presentation was mainly on Dubai's industrialisation and modernisation, where the speaker is based. My scope of coverage exceeds Dubai i.e. from Libya, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and include the Globally Embargoed Countries, these were however not given adequate focus. The discussions around the table at the end of the meeting were also a normal setting for this kind of meetings and an interest to me as well. The questions posted were mainly on international mobility policy and process where the member companies would openly share their companies' policy and practices.
From my overall observation, the networking that I see during the meeting was not obvious. I saw that the member companies from each country would flock together. As Singaporean member companies dominated the meeting, it was very obvious that they were the most prominent grouping, hence Malaysian and the Philippines member companies were not included in most of the off meeting activities such as dinner and tea break. ORC also had its own preferred member companies and this also did not contribute well to the overall networking opportunities.
Other than that, I enjoyed my short 3 days 2 nights stay in Langkawi (the four photographs at the top of this posting were taken within the Westin Langkawi area). The Westin Langkawi ambiance was splendid and I enjoyed my stay there, however they could do better with their food and beverages section. I did a little bit of shopping and discovered that the famous Langkawi shopping area along Kuah town was not as before. Along the Hj Ismail Group supermarkets, there were very few shops left. I am not sure where these shops were relocated but it was obvious that the shops were no longer located in Langkawi.I had a chance to savour the seafood of Langkawi at Shrimpz Restaurant (refer to the above two photographs). My colleagues and I had buttered prawns, steamed shrimp Mantis, grilled lobsters, Garoupa steamed with Asam and vegetables for dinner. It was a splendid dinner, richly spread and delicious. The seafood were alive when I selected them and I could taste the freshness when I ate them. I would recommend all Langkawi visitors to give it a visit and taste the Langkawi splendid seafood.
On Friday while my colleagues and two of my new networks from a member companies had lunch at Wan Thai Restaurant on the way to the Langkawi International Airport to catch our flight back to Kuala Lumpur. The restaurant's concept is authentic Thai cuisine and I would agree that it has fulfilled it splendidly. The food was tasty and the price is affordable, we had ala carte lunch of 1 large and 1 medium Wan Thai shrimps, shrimps Tom Yam in coconut, steamed Siakap and steamed vegetables.
My best wishes to Langkawi and its people, may it continue to prosper and develop further in the future.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Employability Talk at Chemical Engineering Faculty of UiTM, 17 Oct 2008

The caller was a lecturer at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and she would like to invite me to be a Panel member in a talk on employability to her students' faculty, and she told me that there would be another Panel member from CCM. The talk would be held at the Chemical Engineering Faculty of UiTM, Shah Alam attended by students from the faculty. As UiTM was where I completed my Diploma study, I agreed and quickly linked myself to the Recruitment department of my company to source for materials for my talk. The Recruitment department was very helpful in extending materials that I found useful for my reference and use.
During the talk, I touched on the importance of collecting information and data, linking the information and data to understand the situation, proposing resolution to solve the problem and finally solving the problem. I shared with the students that problems are opportunities for businesses and not merely things to be avoided. Just merely scoring high marks in education would not be sufficient, how they utilise the education would be the key to their success in employment. I also mentioned about working in a team. In order to work in a team to solve problems, they are expected to muster skills of effective communication, teamwork and critical thinking to be able to secure opportunities in the employment market. The students were very interactive during and after the talk asking questions and seeking clarifications.
I would like to thank the Dean of the Chemical Engineering Faculty, Assoc Prof Dr Sharifah Aishah, lecturers Mr Zaki and Mdm Haslina for the invitation as well as the faculty students who had shown interest in the talk.
For more information and photographs of the events please click here http://zakizainudin.blogspot.com/2008/10/employability-talk-photos.html.
An early dinner at Sa Sayang Cafe, Batu 5 1/2 Jalan Gombak

During Ramadhan we noticed that there was a new restaurant, Sa Sayang Cafe, along Jalan Gombak at Batu 5 1/2, just after Balai Polis Gombak or Masjid Asy Syakirin, if you are coming from Setapak. By the look of it, the restaurant seem to be an upmarket joint as it was nestled among the bungalow lots of Gombak Setia.

Fortunate for us, Sa Sayang Cafe was open for business. However we noticed that we were the only customers at the Cafe when we went in. In the spirit of adventure in trying something new, we went ahead. The menu that it offered was simple, varieties of western grill and several kinds of fried noodles and rice. My wife, my daughter and I ordered Nasi Goreng Kampung while my

The ambience of the cafe was cosy. The interior design and fittings were splendid and well placed. The price was also reasonable. We promised ourselves to come again.