Welcome in English or Ahlan Wasahlan in Arabic or Selamat Datang in Malay.

I have been a Human Resource professional for more than 20 years working in a wide spectrum of areas within Human Resource. I have progressed up the corporate ladder from the very bottom with rapid and multiple promotions, praise to God. My main interests are motivation and child development

If you have any specific queries you would like to post to me, please email to amzzah_naseehah@ymail.com.

Kind regards


Sunday 24 August 2008

Self awareness a key to self improvement and success.

I had an opportunity to attend a two day workshop on Service Excellence for Leaders at the Le Meridien hotel, KL conducted by Ling Turner on Thursday and Friday 21 and 22 August. There were a few powerful tools that were shared during the workshop. One of the tools that had made a big impact on me was during the feedback session.

The feedback session was organised with 7 participants and a facilitator. Each participant were requested to provide three motivational and formative feedbacks. Motivational feedback is anything about a person that is positive and pleasant which constitutes as a motivation. Whereas formative feedback is anything about a person that requires his or her improvement. Combining both of the feedback would ensure success in achieving Service Excellence.

I was very much impressed with the formative feedbacks that I received. The theme was similar with four out of the seven participants. I realised that though I had done certain well intention actions, however the receiver had understood them differently. I became aware that my verbal and non-verbal communication had to be in line with my intention. I then openly shared my plan of actions with the group to improve on this area to ensure perpetual success in the operations of my organisation.

At the end of the workshop, the facilitator congratulated me for being positive and open to the formative feedback. I in turn thank the facilitator for the learning and guidance that were an eye opener to me.

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