Click here for more Eid Fitr Shopping at Sunway Pyramid, Sunway Lagoon.
AMZZAH Naseehah is a virtual motivational and consultancy site for students establishing themselves in education, experienced and inexperienced employees striving to be successful in their career while balancing personal and family life. The intention here is to share our live experience to help one another. (Please feel free to follow and comment on this website. Your ideas are highly appreciated, thank you.)
I have been a Human Resource professional for more than 20 years working in a wide spectrum of areas within Human Resource. I have progressed up the corporate ladder from the very bottom with rapid and multiple promotions, praise to God. My main interests are motivation and child development
If you have any specific queries you would like to post to me, please email to
Kind regards
Monday, 31 August 2009
Sunday, 30 August 2009
2nd Year family outing at Kompleks PKNS, Shah Alam

Saturday, 29 August 2009
Farewell to Alex, all the best
-----Original Message-----
From: Mahda, Alex Pega
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:22 PM
To: Mohd-Nor, Abd-Malek
Subject: Farewell & Thank you Boss
I had put the results hardcopy into a white envelope and put it under your keyboard. Your Merdeka stuff had been placed under your workstation.I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your full support and encouragement as my team manager. You will always be among the Best Boss @ Tok Guru I ever have.
Sincere apologize if I had offend you in a way or another. Again..THANKS Boss.
p/s sama Bendera Hijau kita boss...."Hijau" FOR ALL!...sama-sama Hijau ne jgn lupa boss...1.2 ;-) TGNA suka tu..hehe
Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards
Saturday, 15 August 2009
The most expensive shoes I have ever bought

At the store, Steven the Footcare Consultant interviewed me and ran some tests on two sophisticated machines and here are the results.

He then proposed a very comfortable pair of shoes suitable for my foot shape with a customised footbeds with a price of RM1,400 per pair. Wow!! I said to myself. Nonetheless I went ahead and bought the pair as I am desperate. It would be fully ready by Monday. I will share more on my experience wearing the shoe later.
For more information on Foot Solutions in Malaysia, see below.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Another email from an ex schoolmate
From: Mohamad Salehhuddin Othman
Subject: SRJK Sultan Alam Shah
Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 10:49 PM
Came across your blog where you mentioned that you were
in this school 37 years ago (as of 2008). So were you in Standard 6 in 1971 & were you in School 1 or School 2?
I was in School 2, Standard 6 in 1972.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Expatriates HR Transaction Teambuilding session
In view of the impending Declustered Expatriates HR Transaction team, my Team Leads and I had agreed to organise a Teambuilding for Expatriates HR Transaction team on 3rd Aug, a half day event. (For more information on the department I am managing, please click Forthnightly Shared Learning Session)
The objectives of the teambuilding were as follows
- Synergising ES Transaction team across clusters
- Sharing of the new Org Struture and Performance Criteria
- Sharing of What coming next
This will be regarded as part of the Expatriates HR Transaction Declustered project and to be facilitated by representatives from the project team.
We went through the following agenda .
11.30am - Team Lunch
1.30pm - Welcome
1.35pm - Ice Breaker Game
2.00pm - Understanding Ourselves - Personality Test (Myers Briggs)
2.30pm - Game to break into groups
2.45pm - Understanding ourselves - Discussion in group
3.00pm - Team Building Game (Softkill - Listening/working together)
3.50pm - Tea Break
4.00pm - In groups - discuss concerns and any solutions/ideas
4.30pm - What coming our way (schedules of lunch and learn) & what going to happen next.
5.00pm - Closing
Farewell lunch for Roha
Good luck and all the best to Roha.
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Farewell to a friend
Two weeks after we came back from Umrah, his employment contract came to an end without an extension. I did not know about it as he had kept it to himself. He then told me that he was really looking forward to it.

A few days before his last date in office, we (accompanied by my former Admin Assistant) went out for lunch at the best Nasi Padang restaurant in Gombak. Both Nordin and I had been at this restaurant for lunch a couple of times previously. Then I brought both of them to the best cendol in Gombak.

Good luck Din and all the best.